Clothing review and fashion tips



Tuesday 18 May 2010


A piece of advice... at your birthday party, do not accept every drink. Or have two shots straight after one another. It's not a good idea. Think of your future self the next morning suffering... a lot! 

Yes, it was party time for me on Saturday night and I cannot remember half of it which is not something that I wanted for my party. To be honest, that is the first time that I've forgotten things on a night out and I don't recommend it at all! 

It was a good party though!! 

So, I am now an official adult which was kind of scary when I was thinking about it to my naive 17 year old self. But, I haven't changed one bit apart from the fact that I can now LEGALLY drink whereas before I was breaking the law. It's going to be fun times not having to worry about needing a friend's ID just so I can paint the town red on a Thursday or Saturday night. 

Spanish exam resit today. It went okay, some parts were hard aka the parts with the majority of the marks but what can you do? It's over now and I just have to wait unitl August when I find out my results. Nail biting stuff! 

Tonight... eating duck and other chinese bits with some friends. Love it! 

- La Chica

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