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Tuesday 2 March 2010

My New Obsession.

The Vampire Diaries is now in session for viewing and has been for the past few weeks. If I'm honest, I wasn't that bothered about watching it or not due to the immense hype that I had already obtained through the vampy love between Bella and Edward in Twilight.

I missed the first five to ten minutes of the first ever episode due to the classic (but true) excuse of 'I was washing my hair' and got under the covers (hair still wrapped in a towel) to watch this new Vampire show.

Let's just say that after that Tuesday night of a double episode, I was hooked and still am, completely! Utterly hooked! The story was admittedly a lot like the love between Bella and Edward with a bit of a hunky bad boy older brother thrown into the mix! I actually screamed when I saw Damon (Ian Somerhalder) come onto the screen just for the sheer look of him. He is beautiful. I cannot decide which of the brothers, the other being gorgeous Stefan, that I would choose! It is a hard decision for us teenage girls, having so much choice! The day after I watched the first episode, I spent my English lesson on looking through: pictures of the characters, what the cast had been in, plot stories - anything I could find.

My new obsession is on tonight at 9pm of which I am so very excited for due to the cliff hanger of the last episode that left me screaming and jumping up and down on the spot (this happened through the entire episode) I kid you not.

If my friends were reading this, they would be shocked as I have to say that The Vampire Diaries is better than Twilight and it was written in 2002, before Stephanie Meyer had her dream of Edward in June 2005. So it is NOT a copy.

A definite 5 stars!!!!!

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