Clothing review and fashion tips



Monday, 19 July 2010

Land of the Turks

I'm still tired from Turkey! And I have a 6am flight to Tenerife tomorrow morning! Busy, busy, busy. 

Turkey was amazing! Beyond words! I loved it! True, there were hiccups including the norm that is to be expected on a girls holiday, especially with ten girls. Also, the typical (unlucky) holiday hiccups including a four hour delay on departure and a further four hour delay to come home including an hour sitting on the plane! And when you want to come home... you seriously want your own bed. 

Market Day and Galaxy Bar were the highlights of my holiday. Galaxy Bar was the place where we had our nights out and they loved us so much that we all got a free t-shirt with 'Galaxy Girl' on the back, or there was the option of the men's tee which is hilarious - one of those double images. Very rude. And the market day... I was truly in my element of haggling and bartering for the cheapest prices and I got them! I spent about 50-60TL when some of my mates spent 200TL. 

But... that was one holiday and now I have to pack for another and I swear that I am going to take less things... I doubt it! I've bought four new outfits, one even from Topshop! I am no longer a Topshop virgin! I really wanted this outfit - fitted crop top, high-waisted shorts and eventually my mum found the top! I was ecstatic. Also, a maxi dress, a Selfridge's dress and a 50s jumpsuit to add to the collection. 

Currently, I'm updating my ipod with the new Now 76 album which has at least three of the Turkey songs on it! It'll keep me amused throughout the journey as well as the third installment of the book series starring Ever Moore and Damon in an immortal love story. Love. It.

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