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Friday, 12 March 2010

Shock Horror

It should have been a nice, normal, non-shocking Film lesson today in school, so I wasn't feeling scared or nervous. My teacher was saying 'You have 'Natural Born Killers' to watch for homework and make notes on for Monday... so, today... we're going to watch The Exorcist.' He then turned to me and laughed as well as a good friend of mine. This is because I hate the idea of watching The Exorcist!!!

He stuck the film on and I sat there at the back of the class with my mate poking me, trying to make me jump. I slapped his arm, but he continued through the agonizing thirty minutes that I watched of the film. When she said "It's okay, I'll walk home..." I was thinking ARE YOU STUPID??!!!! But nothing happened, and then the Ouiji board came out with the young girl and her mother. Again, I was thinking the same question with more explitives... why are characters in films so stupid? You would think (thinking of the Ouiji board) I've heard bad stories about playing this game yet they still do it.

The bit that got me (and everybody was looking at me for my reaction at this point, including the teacher, laughing at me, which made me feel worse!) was when there was a mauling sound coming from the attic and it was night time and all the woman had was a stupid little candle that lit nothing up... she had to pull the stairs down to get up there didn't she. You would think, I'll wait until the morning when it is brighter and there are more people around.. or I wont go up at all, but, no, she had to climb the stairs didn't she. I was a nervous wreck, sitting in the dark classroom with people watching me expecting my reaction. I left my trusted scarf in the common room so I couldn't hide behind that. All I was left with was my small notepad that I was supposed to be making notes on. There was nothing up there but a random man. Such an anti-climax.

My teacher got up to get the remote about five minutes before the bell and I thought 'Thank God! He's going to switch it off! I can prepare myself for Monday!' He saw me looking at him and read my mind because he just pointed the remote at the DVD Player and kept smirking! Eventually, the film came off! I was then the example of what we're studying as a class. He said that my reactions were more interesting than the film itself! Thanks.

I have to watch 'Natural Born Killers' tonight, on my own. I think that I might leave the light on whilst watching that and watch the comedy, 'Belle Epoque' for my Spanish exam. A not so fabulous Friday night in for me, doing work. I might try and squeeze in Pineapple Express after. I doubt it's going to happen because I'll probably be on Facebook all night.

I shall begin preparing myself for Monday's round of 'The Exorcist'.

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