Clothing review and fashion tips



Monday, 26 April 2010

In My Head

This song is in my head and has been since listening to it in The Kray on Saturday night!! I love it! And it's one of those songs that I haven't heard in FOREVER! I was singing it in work on Sunday in my hyder stage of the day, right before the 'my-legs-are-dead- stage of the day as well as 'I'm in Miami Chick'. 

Mucho love!

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Should Be Working....

I should be doing my Film coursework which is due in tomorrow! It is the final draft therefore it has to be perfect and I am no where near done! My attention span is on a shorter leash than usual due to the total of just-over-three hours sleep I had last night due to rolling in at 5am this morning and having to get up for work at around quarter past eight this morning. You can imagine me in work, eyes half closed, bags underneath them, trying to tidy/ help customers / trying to keep my legs from dying underneath me. 

Basically, the short of the blog is I am very tired and have a lot of work to do! For example, a Spanish mock tomorrow that I have not even glanced at any kind of note for! I am going to fail. Then, an English mock on Wednesday and I'm supposed to be going out again on Thursday. I don't think my body will be able to cope! 

I'm listening to Somos El Mundo again. I love it.

Thursday, 22 April 2010


I should really go and do some... but I love blogging too much! Just been clicking Next Blog, Next Blog, Next Blog... found some really cool ones... but need to go do some homework. Seriously. I have exams soon! I need to pass to go to London where my blogging will become much more interesting as my life will become much more interesting! 

<< School Fashion Elle Style


A Bit of Spanish Flavour

As a student of Spanish (hoping to carry it on at university depending on the grades) I love finding new things like music, film, magazines etc. So, last year, at the end of AS Level, I was having to make a tough decision on whether to take Film for A2 or Media. I was voting for Media all the way through AS as I loved the class, the teacher, the course but as soon as my Film teacher said "We will be studying Mexican Cinema for the exam next year", my mind was set.

We started to watch Pan's Labyrinth, a film by Guillermo del Toro and I fell in love with th
e narrative. Then, I got told that I would be watching it in my Spanish lessons aswell. So, you can imagine, they would both overlap each other. A bit annoying. So, Pan's Labyrinth has ended up playing a double role in my A2 year: Film, a part, though not huge in my exam for Mexican Cinema and Spanish: a 400 word essay on (most likely) a theme in the film. A lot of marks/ points right there on just one film that is going to (hopefully/fingers crossed/hope to God) get me into Roehampton.

Also in the Film course for this year, half of the coursework was a 'Small Scale Research Project' on a topic of our choice. Keeping with the Spanish theme, I chose Penélope Cruz: 'La Encantadora'. I had to check with my teacher whether it was okay to do it and thank god he let me. The final draft of that is d
ue in on Monday! Eek. I will do some later though, try and get it all done before tomorrow so I can hand it to him and have any last, final, final redraft to do over the weekend.

I love her, think she's a natural beauty and can act! Plus, she started teaching herself english at the age of eighteen and is basically fluent! I wish I was fluent at Spanish but I can only dream. Maybe when I've spent my third year of uni abroad and find a Spanish man to marry. That is the dream! Bilingual children. I would love that!

The thing that provoked my idea of this blog was the Latina version of 'We Are The World' for Haiti 25 aka Somos El
Mundo. I fell in love with the American one and now, I have fell in love with the spanish version! It's true, as one of the girls was saying in Spanish the other day, that there is a kind of Spanish version of British people in the version e.g. the oldish guy with the poweful voice aka Tom Jones. I love Shakira's part, the chorus. I love her voice. It's different.

I'm such a Spanish fan/freak/swot, whichever way you look at it, that I have a tattoo in Spanish. Yes, I am only seventeen so yes, it was illegal but I can say that I got a tattoo when I was 17. I've always wanted one and originally I wanted one on the back of my neck, what was I thinking?? I cannot believe I wanted one there, then I wanted one on my hip, then on the inner of my wrist. I've always wanted something to do w
ith the word 'Faith' as it is such a lovely word and means so much universally and it also means Faye so it was personal aswell. Then, I was listening to Michael Jackson, going through a phase and came across 'Keep the Faith' so then I wanted that but in Spanish. I was looking through tattooed celebs and saw that Hayden Panetierre had one down the side of her back and I fell in love. So, I had 'Mantenga la fe' which wasn't long enough in my opinion. In my mums opinion it was long enough but not mine. So, after staring at Hayden's picture of her tattoo for long enough I decided to nick her idea of 'live without regrets' - turn it into spanish and you have 'viva sin lamentos'. I made sure it was all spelt right with the right tense and everything before I went to the tattoo parlour and there we have it: Mantenga la fe y viva sin lamentos. It hurt, but, not as bad as people think. There was only one part which felt like a needle being dragged through my skin and that's what tattoos are really. The rest of it was fine, some parts even tickled the tiniest bit.

On the skin:

That was a couple of days after the initial tattooing. It's faded a tiny bit now though, but it's still there.

I'm a bit obsessed with anything Spanish if I'm honest.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Three weeks today..

is my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANNOT wait!!! And, today I ordered my birthday/party dress which is in three weeks on Saturday so I am SUPER DUPER excited about that!!

The dress is from lipsy, has been reduced! So far
it is going my way although there was a slight hiccup when I looked about three days ago as it had no stock in my size but now it does!!

I love it... LOVE it... LOVE it...

So, to get me in shape for my birthday which is also my new obsession (not losing weight or anything like that but actually doing the DVD) is Pump It Up!! I love it! And recently I have just transferred onto the Advanced Power Mix 2 section which is so much more fun. I love the heel digs personally even though I still get them wrong! It's a tricky dance step but so much fun!GO BUY NOW!

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Busy Bee...

OH MY GOSH!! (now listening to Usher's new song which i love)
It describes my recent feelings of the past week or so because I have had such a busy week. It's unreal.
I woke up on Tuesday morning quite excited about the day ahead - travelling in LONDON. I love London! Me and my mum got everything ready and she even had to take a cheeky trip to the local Primark, getting there before 9am so that she could buy a bag that was London etiquette and also cheap and also big enough for her stuff. Whilst she did that, I got my bag ready, both bags from London Fashion Week! Mum returned and we went to get the 9:46 bus to Liverpool.
It didn't come until 10:08.
Of course, madre was panicking because she thought we were going to miss the 10:48 train.
We got there at around 10.20 so it was fine. Even had time to take a trip to WH Smith's and buy some reading material aka Glamour and Cosmopolitan.
We jumped onto the train and sat in the Quiet Zone where at first we weren't so quiet. I don't exactly have a quiet voice therefore I got a few looks saying 'Be quiet or die!'. I didn't.
I'd started reading The Host by Stephenie Meyer and o to the m to the g, i LOVE it!! It is such an amazing book and it's different aswell with the furturistic idea that the human race will die out to souls. How cool is that idea? And then humans are the outsiders! Plus, it kind of shows humanity as sticking together no matter what race or sex you are because let's face it, if the scenario did happen, no ones going to exactly be prejudice against other people of their own kind. I loved it! Finished it on Wednesday on the way home.
At 1.00 we arrived in Landan Town to go and jump on the Victoria line to Vauxhall. The tube wasn't too busy. Knowing the outings that my mother and I have, something was bound to go wrong. It did. Firstly, the tickets wouldn't work to get the train to Barnes, bust luckily, there was such a nice train ticket guy that he let us through. I fell in love.
We arrived in Barnes and walked for ten minutes in the heat and found Roehampton University and i fell in love. It was amazing. I love, love, love it!! Spoke to the security guard on what was the best way to get to Premier Inn South Wimbledon and he said taxi or bus. We got the next bus at around 2:15 and there was the most beautiful boy in the world on that bus. And I nearly crashed into him at one point. Oh well. He looked Spanish, short black hair, tattoo on his forearm. Heaven on Earth.
He got off a few stops later.
Back to my journey... we decided to get off at Wimbledon Town because we thought that it would be near there. Was it? No. Walked in circles, asked in a travel agents where we could get a taxi and walked down a very long road to the train station. Found a taxi!!!
We arrived at the hotel at around 3:20 and literally fell onto the bed.
After relaxation, at 4.30 we went over the road to Sainsbury's and Marks and Spencers to look around and get a drink for me. Headed back to the hotel and mother and I had a heart to heart. I loved it, brought a tear to my eye talking about different things. I love her I do.
Just after 7pm we went to Pizza Hut, basically the restaurant that I am always in in London and I was so full after two pieces of garlic bread and half a small pizza! I was not on form, at all.
Got back just after 8pm and I prepared myself for Vampire Diaries which was outstanding! Beyond amazing. I loved it. Mum refused to watch because she doesn't like vampires. But I loved.
Bed and lights out at 10.00.

up at 7.30, breakfast done by 9.10, got stuff together and in the taxi at 9.35 (already late for registration at Roehampton University). Arrived at 10.55 after the longest route ever with the slowest taxi driver. Why is it that when you're in a rush, the taxi driver takes forever??
The day was fabulous, had a mini tour by another hot guy! Had a taster class in English which was good. It was on sonnets and they have been drilled into me. Seriously. Had a talk on Student life. I love it. 30 minutes away from Central London. I've always wanted to live in London so I think I will have a great time there! Went to Oxford Street had Nando's for tea and came home at 8.10. Didn't actually get into my house until 11.25. So of course, I was tired.

Friday 16th = DOOMS DAY = Spanish A2 oral. Went okay and lets just say that the weekend was non stop, hence why now on Sunday night at 8pm I am ready to go to sleep. Might make my choice on UCAS official now though. It is very exciting times.

Monday, 12 April 2010

Exciting Things

This time tomorrow (11:49) I will be travelling down to 'Landan Town' with the mother to prepare for the next day of looking around Roehampton University!!! I am very excited to be back in London even if it is for only one night. I cannot wait to go to Oxford Street either! Shopping time on Wednesday afternoon and maybe a trip to Southbank? Very excited!! I hope that I LOVE Roehampton!! I would love to live in London for my entire university life. It would be amazing!!

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Thursday 8th April

It has been nearly a month since I have written a blog!!! This is NOT good!! I need to keep on top of these things and so I shall give the reasons... or lack of them... to why I havn't been blogging.

Firstly, I am in my last year of school aka going to university in September!! (It's very exciting times / very daunting times because I have no idea whether I will actually get into university or not... I'm hoping, wishing, begging that I will!) As a result of this, it means final exams... the joys of final exams. My first one is next Friday! Aagghhh. I don't want it to arrive plus it's Spanish speaking! A2! I had a practise with my teacher yesterday morning (yes, I went into school in the Easter Hols) and it was okay I suppose, she gave good feedback. However, my presentation on Belle Epoque is too long so I need to come some of it down! Fabulous. Another burden for myself to worry about as if I didn't have enough to worry about. So, that's my little rant about my Spanish exam over.

Next, on the subject of school, exams and university... the madre and I are travelling down to Roehampton, London next Tuesday to go to the Applicant Day on the Wednesday (yes, two days before my exam! Stress much!) which I am very very very excited about!! I cannot wait to go to see the university and it will only be my third time in London - I am a crazy cat deciding to have a choice of university in London when I made my choices only after being there once. I've always wanted to go to a uni in London even before going to the city itself. That is how crazy I am! So, after the stress of sorting the train times and getting the tickets and FINALLY finding a place to stay after searching Google maps and for a few days we are staying at Wimbledon South, a good fifteen minute drive away from the uni so we best get that taxi booked early because there is no way I am going to be that person who walks in late to an auditorium full of people. No way!

Another main reason is that I have started writing again. How I have missed my story. Not saying anything about the plot. Only one person knows about it and she doesn't even know the updated version yet, not that it is anywhere NEAR finished! I have about fifteen rough completions of chapters - it's going to be a big debut but some of the chapters are half a page to two/three pages, so it's not much. It is very exciting though!!

OMG!! I have to write a sentence about my love: The Vampire Diaries. It is amazing, too amazing! I love it so so much. Seriously, my Tuesday's are just for VD, once 9pm comes, the TV is on ITV2, I am under the covers, glasses on and lights switched off. It is perfect and I am not to be disturbed, that is how sacred my time watching VD is. Yes, I am that sad. Cannot wait until next week because as always there was so much drama and cliff hangers in Tuesdays episode. I'm making my mum watch it in London and she doesn't really like stuff like this as it's jumpy and has vampires in, but I don't care. She'll have her book and I'll be selfishly watching my show.

Oh, and I do actually have a social life aswell. Although lately, there havent been any parties but there are a few coming up, including mine next month! VERY excited!!!